How lovely. I was just reading about O’Keeffe in preparation for the library Chataqua event Wednesday evening. (Today’s was very well done , Eisenhower.) In 2014 a 1932 painting by O’Keeffe sold for $44.4 million. I need to revisit Santa Fe now.

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Your interest in going to Santa Fe prompted me to place a library book hold on "living Modern" about O'Keeffe!

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I also had a desire to see the area where she lived, and where she enjoyed painting.. Really appreciated her art., and maybe her life style.

I went to Greenville Sc many years to the museum to see some of her work. Amazing.

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Cindy, your "maybe" is the key word. Think of the cost of being so determined.

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That was lovely. An adobe house and a red dirt road may not appeal to many but it did to you (and Georgia). There is something about the high desert that captivates me. But you have to look for it.

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That's intriguing, "you have to look for it". It makes me want to know more!

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