Your witty arguments have sharp points; I hope they sting the Commissioners, who seem to be driving by looking in their rear view mirrors

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Gus, thank your for your comment. With drivers looking in rear view mirrors, our roads are certainly unsafe!

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Amen to Margaret P's comment: You, Deda, are a Gandalf, as is HCR. Indeed, we can't be quiet and sit on the sidelines if we ever again hope to live in a county, state, or nation that hallows justice-in-the-making and neighbor-love as foundational to our values. Our County Commissioners in Transylvania today are on an ethical par with the MAGA crowd in Congress. They deserve nothing except our concerted efforts to bring them around or, more likely, down.

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Carter, your comment is an inspiration for finding the energy to oppose this rogue Board, as Alice Wellborn called it Monday night. Thank you for stating our goals, justice and neighbor love. We can't repeat them too often.

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Thank you. You are also a Gandalf.

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You make me realize we all can be, in some way. Thank you with a smile!

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Feb 25, 2023·edited Feb 25, 2023

Oh, Deda, I had no idea your county government was so one sided. I can only imagine the frustration you and our fellow citizens must feel. It makes me realize that even though you live in an area with so much natural beauty, no place is paradise. There is always work to be done and the journey is never ending. To preserve our democracy all citizens must be vigilant and involved. The great experiment of the USA must be nurtured and not taken for granted. Remember when we first moved to St. Tammany Parish in the early 1970's that the libraries were still segregated. We got involved and made a change. It took time. Carry your torch high!

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Judy, I arrived in St. Tammany in 1972 but didn't realize our library was segregated. But I think I was told there was no public swimming pool to avoid that problem. That's so wrong, but it really hurts to think of an unfree public library. Yes, the journey has no end. Thank you for your comment.

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I posted your column on my Facebook page with this introduction: "This is Transylvania County in the western part of North Carolina. But I am sharing this Substack column here on Facebook so it will get widespread attention because it is a painful reminder that politics is LOCAL! What is happening that affects my life, yours, and the next generations, is what is taking place in local city councils, county commissions, and courtrooms of our towns, cities, and counties and the state WHERE YOU LIVE! Pay attention, become informed, learn how YOU and your family will be affected by those you elect, and be sure to vote for those who put YOUR interests ahead of their own or their donors' bank accounts!"

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Helen, thank you for putting into words the local messages that most county voters might hear if we can get them out. I think politics is more local now than ever, since national conservative and far right groups have run local candidates. We can translate their intentions!

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If anyone should have a LTTE published, it’s you, Deda. Here in Polk we have had precious little luck getting the Tryon Daily Bulletin to print anything beyond the Republican line, but we will keep trying. As you know our entire county commission is Republican as well. Makes for one-sided politics. I will say chair Tommy Melton threw out a rabid R commenter who was hurling insults and untruths at the last meeting. So I thank him for that.

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Susannah, I'm glad to hear that your chair seems to uphold respect for a public body. Yes, keep trying with letters to the Bulletin. Here, the Transylvania Times has a complicated policy with online vs. print letters to the editor. Free speech is really the issue!

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Dear Deda - You have an articulate, and kind, way of expressing the outrage many of us feel. Thank you, and numerous others, who are fighting the good fight on behalf of those of us in the community who are not as gifted in putting our thoughts to paper. We will fight on along with you.

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Your words about fighting together remind me of Heather Cox Richardson's Letter from an American this morning, that the Democrats are now on the offensive. So positive! Thank you, Eileen.

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Thank you once again, Deda! I have been feeling totally discouraged and you make me feel (a bit) hopeful again.

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Nona, the feeling of discouragement is real and I believe we all share it to some degree in this global (!) struggle. To me, taking time out is a good strategy, but so is taking turns (in our community of volunteers). Thank you for commenting.

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