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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Deda Edney

What a beautiful bit of local history. I would love to have known Lucy, too!

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Hi Deda, Thank you for sharing the memories of Sam's grandmother. I didn't know about the fabric. I hadn't heard the Sunday hat story. And delivering a baby ALONE in a snow storm. AMAZING. Just out of curiosity, was Lucy Sam's mother's mother? I'm thinking maternal grandmother would explain the name change....just guessing.

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Yes, Lucy was Sam's mother's mother. His mother was an Anders. So they have a lot of "local" last names in their family, including King. I often wish my own family hadn't moved around so much. I don't seem to have any local family history!

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I had clothes my mother made out of flour and feed sacks. Bright cotton prints, I remember well.

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Helen, it's wonderful you remember those clothes. Maybe when synthetics and mass clothing came in with "prosperity", people lost interest in cheerful patterns and comfortable natural fabrics. When (notice it's not IF) we successfully get through this intense time, maybe some of us will work to bring them back.

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I have cotton sack dish clothes my grandmother made. They work great. She embroidered birds and flowers on them at the bottom.

Great story. Enjoyed it.

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Cindy, this is wonderful to hear you're using your grandmother's embroidered cloths. I imagine they're soft and pretty. 🌷

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Thank you for sharing this. Stories like this seem to be extra special right now.

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Your comment makes me realize how far from protecting stories we are right now, now that we're protecting a world where we have the leisure to tell them! -- A little complicated : )

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