As an elected board member in Henderson County, I have been appalled by the behavior of those who wish to vote for optional masks. None of us want to wear a mask forever. We consistently get sent misinformation about the dangers of mask wearing from the least credible sources. No, the “Patriots for DeSantis” group is not a credible medical source and we’re just not buying what they are selling, as a majority. The safety of our children must come first or I have no idea why we are even there. Let’s hope the coming months bring such a drop off in cases that the CDC can recommend that we go mask optional, but until then, I will uphold my duty to keep our children and teachers safe, even if it is unpopular and has made working and living in this town very uncomfortable, to say the least. I have been followed, photographed, someone always trying to get a picture of me without a mask so they can label me a hypocrite. This included a photo of me eating pizza out with my daughter who was home from college. If you’re shaking your head, you get it.

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More disturbing even than Cawthorn was the very young children holding up No Masks signs. The virus is a formidable foe, but, to elementary school children, bullying by peers for wearing/not wearing masks is an issue as well. I didn't watch the entire meeting but wonder if this issue was considered as well.

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