They don't like the word democracy because it's similar to the word democrat. When they say we don't live in a democracy, come back with "we live in a representative democracy". They don't like that either, but it's hard to argue against.

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Jim, I think your point about the words democracy and Democrat being too similar is a good one. And I'm not sure they would accept a representative democracy, either, for that reason.

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Thanks for this, Deda. Larry Chapman states the obvious -- we don't live in a democracy. That Chapman and his GOP cronies so proudly & gleefully enjoy their entitlement as white Christian men reflects pitifully & shamefully on the moral intelligence of a significant block of the American citizenry.

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Your words "moral intelligence" are insightful. Even if Chapman were pointing out "a fact" that we don't live in a democracy, he was ok with that. It says a lot. Thank you, Carter.

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This discussion might lead to why the Electoral College needs to be a thing of the past for the United States.

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Linda, you lead me to think that the Electoral College will be a thing of the present as long as it can be manipulated to their favor by the Republicans. I wish we had gotten rid of it long ago.

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That's an old Republican trope usually repeated by those who flunked Civics class in high school. There's no conflict between our constitutional method of selecting leaders, "democracy", and the structure of our government, a "representative republic". Either they're too stupid to understand what the words mean or they have a specific agenda on an issue that won't stand the test of the majority. Having met them, I'm convinced that our county commissioners are in the former group.

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Jeb, that trope about democracy works well, I think, since it's just scholarly enough to be taken on face value.

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They get away with scholarly-sounding BS.

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